Before I can properly begin my second journey towards Ironman, it is prudent to asses the execution of the first journey's race, the 2014 Beach 2 Battleship.

The swim: My 56-minute swim time would be very hard to criticize under normal circumstances. I, however, am NOT a 56-minute swimmer. The reality is/was that the time of our swim coincided with the end of high tide. To say it another way, we were pushed - and although I couldn't feel it during the race, we were swimming in a current (and my time reflected it). That said, I still feel like I swam well. This next race I hope to do a better job of drafting and to hold a little truer line.

The bike: I rode a solid 5:44 on a near pancake flat course. I conserved energy, stayed aero, and didn't race my neighbor. I also dropped about 800 calories of solid food that, while not affecting my ride, would come back to haunt me on the run. This next race... don't lose your nutrition...

The run: My 4:45 marathon leaves a lot to be desired. I was a zombie by mile 10, the deficit of bike calories having completely become apparent. Additionally, I found that using the same calorie source for the bike and run was NOT a good idea - too much of the same was more than my stomach could tolerate. This next race, I will perform more bike/run bricks in training, practicing the transition between different nutrition sources.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

*Pre-Training - 7*

Okay, so it looks like I am only getting around to posting every 5-days or so.  Since my last, I have run four times:  three 6.11-milers and a 5.58-miler with my wife (first time ever running together).  The 6.11-milers were run at 8:27, 8:28, and 8:17 pace.  The run with my wife was a nice, slow 9:25 pace.  Good.  I will run again tonight and then I'll likely be off for 3-days.  Why?  Because at 43-years old I am finally getting the snip.  Yikes.  I cringe just thinking about it.  Good luck and heal well...

Thursday, October 1, 2015

*Pre-Training - 6*

It has been a while again.  I have been running a fair bit and have four to report.  Each run was at the University on my 6.11-mile loop.  Each run was executed at a faster pace then planned.  Each run felt good.  The average paces over each 6.11-mile run were 8:29, 8:26, 8:18, and 8:26.  I really should slow up and keep these closer to 8:45-8:50.  Oh well.  All in due time...

Thursday, September 24, 2015

*Pre-Training - 5*

So, I have a few short runs to report and a bit of strength training.  My runs were both 5.12-milers, each run around the University.  The first one I cooked pretty good, averaging 8:09 pace.  I started off quick, then managed to slow down a bit, and then brought it home very quickly.  I have no excuses for my odd behavior.  The second run i ran a nice even pace and felt so smooth and relaxed that I was sure I was going slow.  Nope.  8:22 pace.  Huh.
I also went to lift weights with my son.  We just did upper body stuff - mostly with dumbbells (and a bit of cable work).  Each set was no less than 20-reps and each rep performed quickly (but controlled).  I hadn't done any strength training in quite some time so you can imagine I was sore the next day.  I could barely get my arms above my shoulders to shampoo my head...

Monday, September 21, 2015

* Pre-Training - 4*

Well, I haven't had a chance to post in several days.  I've been a busy guy - all good.  My workouts, unfortunately, have suffered a bit.  I have only managed three runs since I last logged.  The good news is, each of these runs felt really good - it certainly helps that the weather has cooled off a bit.  Run one was a 5.12-miler, executed at 8:18 pace.  That is way faster than I wanted to go so on my next run, 6.11-miles, I ran 8:36 pace.  Hmm.  Still too fast.  I vowed to run the next even slower.  It too, was a 6.11-miler.  My pace?  8:28.  Ha.  What are you going to do?  I must be trying to show off for all of the young people on the campus or something ;)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

* Pre-Training - 3 *

Last night I ran 6.11-miles around the University campus and surrounding neighborhoods.  The area is hilly and I really enjoy the campus.  My pace was 8:38 - a little quick for this run, but I felt great so I didn't bother to reel it in.

Monday, September 14, 2015

* Pre-Training 2 *

This past weekend I ran twice.  The first was a 5.16-miler which included a nice combination of hills and flats.  I ran at 8:38 pace and was able to get completely lost in my thoughts.
The second run was my stand-by 5-miler (virtually flat).  My pace for that run was pretty much the same (8:37), but for some reason my legs felt heavy from the start and my breathing was a bit labored.  I eventually calmed down and felt better and was even able to zone out a little.  Good.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

*Pre-Training - 1*

Well, I have created my blog page, so I may as well start blogging to it:)
Today at lunch I ran 6.12-miles at 8:48 pace.  This is a bit longer than I have been running (most have only been 5-milers) but I felt very good.  It was cooler than day's past, which helped - but still quite humid.  My run took me up and down the hills of Valparaiso, the likes of which I have come to love over the years.  I look forward to the crisp days of Autumn and to stretching out my mileage along these roads...